Technical Assistance Team (TAT)
The TAT will support the implementation of Ghana’s iEPA and Accompanying Measures Strategy. The Team will comprise three Key Experts: a team leader, a specialist in Institutional Strengthening & Human Resources and an expert in export promotion and competitiveness of value chains. A pool of Non-Key Experts (NKEs) will also be identified during the implementation of the project to include specialists in fields such as Trade and Fiscal Reforms, Trade Facilitation & Customs Cooperation, Market Development, Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS), Innovation & Intellectual Property Rights, and Rules of Origin as well as Communication and Visibility.
As a Team, the TAT will support, coach and mentor the EPA Secretariat staff and staff of key technical institutions as well as the thematic working groups to ensure the sharing of knowledge related to the implementation of Ghana’s iEPA and Accompanying Measures Strategy. Members of the TAT will be paired with counterpart officers for purposes of skills transfer. The TAT and Secretariat will work closely with an Events Organizer & Marketing company (to be recruited) in the organization of workshops for iEPA awareness creation, staff training, exchange of good practices of results achieved by similar initiatives, to disseminate results and to ensure visibility as and when appropriate of EU Financing according to the EU guidelines.