Sensitization Workshop on the Implementation of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)

The Ministry of Trade and Industry in collaboration with the EPA Secretariat, has began its series of sensitization workshops on the interim Economic Partnership Agreement to relevant Stakeholders. The Workshop is in line with the objectives of the EPA Accompanying Measures Strategy (AMS), to build a strong and proactive national ownership and management of the Agreement.
This was held on the 12th-13th and 13th-14th of August 2022 for MDAs and the Private Sector respectively, at the Capital View Hotel, Koforidua.
At the end of the sensitisation, participants were equipped with a deeper understanding of the EPA and the ability to identify their specific roles in the Implementation of the Agreement.
The Private Sector was excited at the initiative by government to create trade relations which will enhance the thriving of their business globally.
Compiled by: Communication and Advocacy Team, MOTI
